Hair restoration is becoming the ultimate solution for people suffering from hair loss. Whether it is due to the advancements in medical science, the use of modern procedures that guarantee favorable results according to the different hairline preferences, or even the minimal discomfort and maximum outcome prospects, hair transplant surgery is beneficial for people suffering from different degrees of hair loss. However, the qualms about the impact or success rate of hair transplants for bald persons conducted by the best hair doctor in Allahabad are worth an assessment. The only difference in the methodology between the hair transplant carried out for the bald person and the traditional hair restoration is the selection of the donor area. 

In short, the hair is extracted from the other part of the body which has excess hair to compensate for the donor area requisites. At present, the maximum coverage, natural-looking results, precision & depth of incision, and technologically advanced procedures like DHT, FUE, and FUT, altogether contribute to the desirable outcome. In the case of baldness, a body hair transplant (BHT) is an effective procedure that delivers positive results. The body parts like the chest, armpits, and beard are used to extract hair for bald patients. However, the texture and quality of hair used from these body parts may not be as good as the hair used from the backside of the head. 

Things to know before seeking a hair transplant for baldness

Extensive hair loss results in baldness, yet hair transplant prospects for bald people are available. Nevertheless, they may not be able to experience the smooth and rich texture of hair as visible in the outcome of a traditional hair transplant that involves donor hair from the head. Despite this fact, natural-looking results are guaranteed by the hair clinic while working over the bald head for full hair restoration. Primarily, FUE and FUT hair transplant procedures are used by the surgeon by removing the healthy hair follicles from the body parts with excess hair. 

Additionally, the positive results of hair transplant in the case of baldness can be achieved based on the donor supply. For instance, the number of hair extracted, the adequate number of hair grafts, and the technique used for hair restoration are some of the factors that influence the success rate of hair transplants for bald people. Generally, it is the optimal use of the FUE procedure by the best hair doctor in Allahabad that leaves minimal scarring and makes the process of hair transplants effective. 

Who is not eligible for hair transplants in the case of baldness? 

If the baldness or complete hair loss has been caused by an autoimmune condition such as alopecia areata, then, the doctors will not qualify those people for the hair transplant procedure. However, an in-depth examination is carried out by the doctor to evaluate the scope of hair restoration before drawing the inference. 

Choose Hair Aesthetica for modern hair transplant options 

Whether you have partial hair loss, hair thinning issues turning into bald patches, or are facing an extreme case of hair loss, i.e., baldness, Hair Aesthetica, the top hair & skin clinic in India offers the best-in-class hair transplant solution executed by the best hair doctor in Allahabad. We have a team of highly qualified doctors who use sophisticated techniques like FUE, FUT, and DHT for hair restoration. If you are feeling conscious about your baldness and want to get a total makeover through a hair transplant, then, contact us at to discuss your requirements.

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